Did Commanders President Jason Wright add to Carson Wentz drama?

Jason Wright has had enough and defends quarterback Carson Wentz.

Washington Commanders team president Jason Wright has had enough!

From the moment the trade was made, Washington new quarterback Carson Wentz has received criticism from Philadelphia and Indianapolis fans and media. Also, there have been countless tweets from fans, reporters, talk show hosts, and even some “analysts” unfavorable to Wentz.

Wright decided enough was enough when Washington ABC7’s Scott Abraham asked Wentz to comment on the persistent narrative regarding Wentz not playing up to his expectations. Wright went as far as to refer to Abraham’s conduct as “unprofessional questions.”

Wright then responded with this tweet.

I don’t for a moment think that Wright was simply responding to Scott Abraham’s interview. I don’t find Jason Wright to be impulsive. No, this was an accumulation of criticisms that have continued ad nauseam since the trade was made. A local reporter doing so was the last straw apparently for Wright.

Wright having played in the league himself for seven seasons knows Wentz has had actual accomplishments and is not being treated fairly. Perhaps being the team president Wright wanted to publicly stand up for his quarterback. But then again, Wright is the leader on the business side of things. So, was Wright the best man to respond?

I’m not certain, but Abraham’s question may have only been about him providing Wentz the opportunity to speak to the criticisms himself on camera. I don’t know Abraham’s motives and don’t feel his motives were clearly revealed in the interview.

However, the possibility might also exist that Carson Wentz might have preferred Wright not to have publicly defended him. A strange irony is that might Wentz actually be more embarrassed by Jason Wright’s response than by Abraham’s interview questions?

In each interview I’ve seen or read, I have found Wentz to be a responsible, strong man. Further, I think I’ve heard enough from Wentz that I believe his priorities in life are such that he cares more about what his wife and children think of him than what Jim Irsay, Brian Baldinger or Scott Abraham think of Carson Wentz.

But another thought has occurred to me, “Could Wright be responding publicly because he was told to respond by his owner?” But that is only speculation, and I don’t like to dwell on speculation, so I won’t.