DePodesta: Andrew Berry has ‘final call’ on Browns draft choices

DePodesta: Andrew Berry has ‘final call’ on Browns draft choices

With a new front office regime and coaching staff all working together for the first time, sorting out who makes the decisions in the Cleveland Browns draft room is a potential issue. Browns chief strategy officer Paul DePodesta tackled the issue of the chain of command for draft decisions.

In his conference call with reporters this week, DePodesta provided some clarity and definitiveness with his answer. GM Andrew Berry will have the final say.

“Like I said, I think everything that we have done to date in the way we operate is just try to be as collaborative as possible,” DePodesta explained. “I do not think this is about anybody having veto power over anyone else. We know that in this environment, AB has to make the final call.”

While continuing to stress the collaborative nature of the Browns front office, DePodesta made no bones about it. He concluded his answer this this statement,

“I think it is pretty clear next week that AB (Berry) has that control headset on.”