December Pokemon GO 5-star Raids

Our December Pokemon GO 5-star raids list lays out what to expect from legendary raids each week of the month and which Mega Raids run too

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The December Pokemon GO 5-star raids have begun, as Niantic kicks off a month of Gen 5 legendaries and one all-powerful monster from Gen 4. Each week in the Pokemon game features a different 5-star raid, and you have the whole week to take part in as many raids as you have passes for. That’s handy, since most of them have a chance of being shiny as well – more raids mean a better likelihood of running into a shiny legendary. 5-star raids also come with bonus Candy and other useful items, so whether you want the featured Pokemon or not, it’s usually worth joining at least one.

A new raid boss always replaces the previous one at 10 a.m. local time on the raid’s start date.