Darren Till’s straight-talking PSA on social media hits the nail on the head

Instagram may be full of social influencers and celebrities who like to show off their perfect lifestyles, but don’t count Darren Till among them.

Social interaction isn’t the easiest when many people largely are stuck indoors, so social media can come in very handy as people look to stay in touch with others and keep updated with the lives of their favorite fighters.

But as well as the obvious positives, there are also some downsides to spending so much time on social media. Thankfully, British UFC middleweight contender [autotag]Darren Till[/autotag] is on hand to serve up a healthy dose of common sense, delivered in his own unique, straight-talking way.

Speaking to ESPN’s Ariel Helwani, Till went off on a mini-rant about social influencers, bloggers and celebrities who portray themselves as having seemingly perfect lives when the reality isn’t quite as rosy as that. After all, nobody’s life is.

“People only want to broadcast the positivity on social media, which is fine by me. I think there should be more positive than negative, and I do get a lot of negatives,” Till began. “But in your life, do not make your life out to be perfect. Do not make yourself out to have this and have that and be doing this and all of this as if your life is the greatest.”

Till said people need to be aware that the image of a seemingly perfect life can lead to negative feelings for those less fortunate people who view these posts on a daily basis.

“I see people, girls and boys, getting depressed because they’re comparing their own lives to these people’s lives,” Till said. “I don’t want to directly attack anyone, but bloggers and influencers and famous celebrity people, they’re coming across with this great life. They’ve got lots of money, the best watches, they’re always away, they’re eating the best food and all of that. But, at the end of the day, it’s all (expletive).

“I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a guy who’s OK financially. There’s no real difference, only that you can enjoy pleasures that you can buy yourself a buggy, buying a nice watch, but it’s not what it’s made out to be.”

Till’s Instagram feed certainly doesn’t fit into that mold. While he admitted he’s occasionally shown off the fruits of his labor – like his new off-road buggy – his feed is just as likely to throw up a shot of him doing something mundane, like showing his belly, or something bizarre. Indeed, his Instagram video of a jelly baby Adele singing to a huge crowd of adoring jelly baby fans has attracted more than 300,000 plays. (And for good reason. It’s amazing!)

It shows that Till’s approach to “The ‘Gram” is less about image and more about showing the real him. He just wishes other celebrities on the platform would do the same.

“People could see me on Instagram on the buggy, all chills, having a great time. But I still have my own problems in house, problems with life, as we all do. Posts like pushing my fat belly, that’s real life. That’s what every fighter’s doing. They’re sat there, they’re bored, they’re eating (expletive). They are still training, but everyone sees me training all the time anyway. … So I’m going to post what else I’m doing. I’m on the buggy, nearly dying, I’m eating so much (expletive), watching (expletive) Netflix while my underpants are all wet – we all know what from. That’s what’s happening. This is the real life.”

It’s true that Till hasn’t changed much at all from the largely unknown up-and-comer this writer first met in Dublin back in October 2015. He was a engaging, straight-talking character back then. Now, nearly five years on, the affable Scouser’s bank balance may be healthier, but his character remains exactly the same.

Till says that determination to be himself on social media may turn some people off, but he’s adamant that his journey will be done on his terms. And if you’re on board, great.

“I’ve lost sponsors through it and I’ve gained sponsors and this is just me – I’m not changing,” he said. “I get worked up, because this is me. I always said from the start I’d stay the same, I’d be the same. So, whether I’m posting positive or negative or whether you like it or not, this is me. You come along for the ride when I’m champion, when I’m a legend, and all this other stuff. Social media’s a good platform now to show that, but don’t be fake with it, don’t be posting all your positives. Post your fails!”

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