Danny Green, Sixers blown away by Joel Embiid, Ben Simmons defensively

Philadelphia 76ers guards Danny Green and Seth Curry are impressed by Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons on the defensive end.

Philadelphia 76ers star duo Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons are important to what the team plans to do on the offensive end of the floor, but basketball is played on two ends.

The two of them are just as impressive on the defensive end as they are on offense.

Simmons is coming off a season in which he finished on the All-Defensive First Team and he is continuing his strong defense to begin the 2020-21 season as he has been locking up some of the game’s best scorers. Embiid is continuing his strong play on defense as well as he is averaging 1.4 blocks per game and he makes offensive players think twice about challenging him at the rim.

“I think they have the potential, both of them, to be a Defensive Player of the Year,” said Danny Green. “With their size, ability, the reflexes, their footwork. Ben, very active catlike reflexes, can guard all positions. Jo can protect the paint like no other. It’s just about communicating and doing it every night and being consistent with it.”

Playing with guys as talented as Embiid and Simmons can make life easier for a guy like Seth Curry and even Green due to their ability to create open space for them to get open shots from the perimeter, but, defensively, they also have been making life easier for them.

“Jo draws a ton of attention when he catches the ball,” Curry explained. “He sets great screens, so does Ben. They get me open, they find me when I’m open, and I think that they helped me even more defensively as far as covering up the rim, making up for a lot of mistakes out there, and just causing havoc. It’s fun to play with so far.”

At this point, it’s all about consistency for the two of them. The challenge is to be able to take this start, bottle it up, and continue with this strong start on the defensive end in order to take the next step forward in their development. Philadelphia has a lot of potential to be a championship-winning team and, obviously, Embiid and Simmons will be the engine that drives their hopes.

“That’s the mature part of it,” Green added. “The maturity level that they need to get to, but with their ability, they can be monsters for us defensively, and then it makes it easy for everybody else around them. Right now, we’re still feeling each other out. Getting Joel coming out and guarding guards and coming out on a pick-and-roll be a little higher sometimes because he’s capable, I just don’t think he’s as comfortable. Everybody’s comfortable talking and moving around him, make the game easy for him and him making the game easier for us.”

The Sixers will take on the Charlotte Hornets again on Monday after a win on Saturday night to improve to 5-1 on the season.


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