Dan Ventrelle says he was fired as Raiders president for raising misconduct concerns

Former Raiders president Dan Ventrelle says female employees raised serious misconduct allegations and he was fired for reporting it.

Friday, after just seven months as Raiders president, the team announced Dan Ventrelle was not longer team President. This news sent similar shockwaves to that of the sudden resignation of former president Marc Badain just prior to the start of last year’s training camp.

At exactly 10am this morning, the Raiders put out a very brief statement, saying simply “Dan Ventrelle is no longer with the Raiders organization. We will have no further comment at this time.”

The curt nature suggested the parting was not on friendly terms.

A few hours later, Ventrelle put out a statement that confirmed his firing along with some serious allegations against owner Mark Davis.

Ventrelle says he had several female employees of the Raiders complain of a hostile work environment. And upon bringing this to Davis’s attention, he received a disturbing lack of concern. So, he took his concerns to the NFL and was therefore fired in retaliation.

He then ends the message suggesting he could seek legal action, potentially for wrongful termination.

This is clearly going to get even more messy from here. Definitely not what this organization needs with an entirely new coaching staff and personnel deartment.