Current, former Saints players react to tragic death of Kobe Bryant

New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees called Kobe Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash Sunday, “one of the great competitors of any generation”

The sports world was shaken by the sudden passing of Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant, who was among five people killed in a helicopter crash in Southern California. It immediately took attention away from the 2020 Pro Bowl, with some players getting the news in the minutes between warmups and the all-star game’s kickoff.

Drew Brees reacted to the news during an appearance on the sidelines with ESPN’s Lisa Salters, saying, “You know, I had a chance to meet him one time. He was a guy who I always hoped I’d have a chance to be around more. I had so much respect for him as a competitor. I know he inspired so many people in so many different ways. I mean, one of the great competitors of any generation, not just with sports but with the way he approached a lot of things and now what he was doing after basketball. So, I pray for him. I pray for his family. I know we don’t know all the details yet, but it’s a tragic loss.”

Bryant’s impact on sports is impossible to understate — several generations of fans grew up trying to emulate his “Mamba mentality” style of play, including Saints players like wide receiver Michael Thomas.