Coronavirus could alter plans for 2020 NFL Draft

The NFL is considering adjustments to the 2020 NFL Draft with growing concerns surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.

The NFL is considering adjustments to the 2020 NFL Draft with growing concerns surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, according to Michael Gehiken of The Dallas Morning News.

While there’s no formal plan that has been developed, the league is monitoring the growing threat of the coronavirus, which has already affected sports leagues.

On Wednesday, the NBA suspended the season indefinitely after Utah Jazz’s Rudy Gobert tested positive for the coronavirus. The NCAA announced that, while March Madness will go on as planned, fans will not be allowed to attend.

All eyes will be on the MLB and their next course of action, with some calling for them to suspend spring training and the impending regular season.

Which brings us to the NFL Draft, which was scheduled to take place in Las Vegas from April 23-25.

“The league office, the players association and the city and the state are working together,” Las Vegas Raiders owner Mark Davis told Gehiken Wednesday. “They’re making a measured decision. Health and safety will always be No. 1.”

No decision has been made yet, but it seems all but a forgone conclusion that the NFL Draft will be impacted. With many top prospects attending the draft, they’ll take the stage and shake hands with commissioner Roger Goodell in front of a huge crowd of fans.

You figure the NFL will look to scale back fan attendance, or possibly even host the draft from a studio where they could remotely announce draft selections.

The NFL also has a decision to make regarding the annual owner meetings in Palm Beach, Fla., which are scheduled for March 29 to April 1.

With just six weeks until the NFL Draft, the league has some big decisions to make.

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