Cooper Flagg’s buzzer beater was yet another insane moment for the HS star

Class of 2024 high school basketball star Cooper Flagg hit a crazy buzzer-beater in the SLAM Summer Classic.

There’s been plenty written about the skills of now-class-of-20024 star Cooper Flagg. He can get to the rim. He can shoot. He can dribble. He defends well and talks his trash.

A video made the rounds on Saturday night showing yet another attribute of the five-star high school forward. He has a step-back and he has ice in his veins.

Flagg hit a step-back, buzzer-beater 3-pointer at the SLAM Summer Classic to tie the score at 142 (!) and send the game to overtime. He was mobbed by teammates and fans as the announcers went wild in the clips circulating Twitter posted by the NBA.

You can see more highlights on the NBA YouTube page, including a fun alley-oop in the first clip (don’t be expecting a lot of hard-nose defense in these clips, if the 142 points didn’t tip you off already).

Flagg helped his team win in overtime.

Recruiting is still ongoing for the No. 1 player in the class of 2024, as a dozen schools have offered the 6-foot-8 power forward. It’s unclear who is in the lead for the player, who only reclassified from the class of 2025 this month, but if you’re looking for any indicators you can get, Duke did tweet a video of Flagg. Which very much might not mean a thing, but we appreciate the lack of subtlety in place of the cryptic messages recruiters and players often enjoy using.