Contract incentives for Alexander Mattison revealed

The incentives in Alexander Mattison’s contract are very straightforward and easily attainable.

During the first week of free agency, the Minnesota Vikings signed running back Alexander Mattison to a two-year, $7 million that carries a max value of $8 million. The incentives to get to that max value have been revealed.

The 33rd Team’s Ari Meirov obtained 40 contracts, including Mattison’s, and revealed the incentives on their contracts. The ones for Mattison are pretty straightforward.

  • 750-999 yards rushing-$250,000
  • 1,000+ yards rushing-$250,000

If he hits both, Mattison will get $500,000 and those incentives are the same for both 2023 and 2024. Those incentives are considered not likely to be earned because he has 1,670 yards in his career and never broken 500 yards in a single season.

The incentives are good for both sides, as Mattison is primed to take on the starting running back role in 2023 and the Vikings can be smart with their cap space.