Company offering rifle if you can guess who is killing Jay Cutler’s chickens

A company is offering a rifle and gift card if you can guess who is killing Jay Cutler’s chickens.

Jay Cutler’s pursuit of the predator who is killing off his chickens has been fun. The videos have been great and Cutler has done a fine job in his role as the hunter.

Have to think this next step in the search might be a little scary and over the top.

A company is offering a rifle — yes, a real rifle — and $1,000 gift card to its store if you can guess the culprit.

Here is the promo:

@ifjayhadinstagram (aka Jay Cutler) has a chicken murderer loose on his farm. Every night his ladies are fighting for their lives in their coop, and so far – the murderer remains elusive.

Jay’s trying to find the culprit, and we’re hoping a reward will help. Until the mystery is solved, we’re posting a reward for whoever can guess the predator. (Please still don’t be the cat).

Our all-new Ranger 22 should do the trick on scaring away any pesky predator.

So come forward with info, and enter for the chance to win the rifle for yourself.

On top of the questionable idea, it would be nice if there was a disclaimer saying you can’t enter the contest unless you are a certain age.

Hey, but there is something for everyone. So, shoot your shot, if you this is your thing