College Football in 2020? ESPN Analyst Not Optimistic

ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit is as respected of college football mind as you’ll find. If he’s not optimistic about football in 2020, either am I.

We never thought the NCAA Tournament could be canceled but it was.

We never thought the NBA, NHL or MLB would delay their seasons, but they have.

We didn’t think The Masters, US Open, Kentucky Derby or Indianapolis 500 would either, but they all pushed back their events as well.

Now what about college football?

TMZ reports that ESPN College Gameday’s Kirk Herbstreit had the following to say about that Friday morning on ESPN Radio:

“I’ll be shocked if we have NFL football this fall, if we have college football. I’ll be so surprised if that happens. Just because from what I understand, people that I listen to, you’re 12 to 18 months from a [coronavirus] vaccine. I don’t know how you let these guys go into locker rooms and let stadiums be filled up and how you can play ball. I just don’t know how you can do it with the optics of it.”

I remain hopeful I am not the most optimistic about it going off the last weekend of August like we’d all hope.  There are just too many plates spinning right now for me to think the crises like you see in New York and breaking out in Louisiana will just be solved quickly.

There is time, no doubt but I’d be lying if I said I was feeling better about the chances of college football being played in 2020 and Herbstreit sharing this today only further dampens things for me.