Cities: Skylines is free on the Epic Games Store next week

Black Widow: Recharged and Centipede: Recharged are up for grabs now.

With how rough the world is these days, even tiny gestures of kindness can brighten up someone’s day — so head over to the Epic Games Store and pick up some freebies!

This week the Epic Games Store is giving away Black Widow: Recharged, Centipede: Recharged, and the Epic Slayer Kit for Dauntless. So two retro throwbacks and some in-game currency for a Monster Hunter-like. Alright, Epic, sure why not! 

All three will be free on the Epic Games Store until March 10, 2022, at 8 A.M. PDT // 9 A.M. MDT // 11 A.M. EDT, so there’s a whole week to scoop these up.

Next week, Cities: Skylines will be free on Epic’s storefront. It’s a modern take on SimCity that many people believe is the best take on city-building simulations in recent years. Cities: Skyline sits at an impressive 85 on Metacritic and has a “Very Positive” community consensus on Steam. So it might be worth checking out if you have any fondness for simulation titles like this. 

Cities: Skylines will be free on the Epic Games Store starting March 10, 2022, at 8 A.M. PDT // 9 A.M. MDT // 11 A.M. EDT. 

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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