Chris Holtmann takeaways from Tuesday’s Ohio State basketball update

Ohio State head coach Chris Holtmann was made available to select media members Tuesday to provide an update on the basketball program.

On roster turnover:

  • Kaleb Wesson is committed to NBA process and the program fully supports that. Both Wessons will be significant losses. Holtmann all but confirmed OSU’s leading scorer will not be back next season.
  • On transfers – players want a situation where they are playing a different position or want more shot attempts. A lot of players that transfer, don’t necessarily get what they’re looking for at the next stop, but the culture is one of support. At some point, it is probably best for both if a kid wants to entertain moving on.
  • Holtmann likes a philosophy of having kids that are going to be in the program multiple years and develop rather than taking a lot of one-and-done type players. He says the program will always be built around that, but that if it’s the right fit, he’ll take a kid that might not be around long and wants to be a part of Ohio State and winning a championship.
  • Building a roster around transfers is happening more and more. Ohio State is actually not unique. During his time, the Buckeyes are about average in that category in the Big Ten, and below average across your major programs. Holtmann believes there will be less turnover though in the upcoming years with his teams.

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