Chris Ballard voted most trustworthy GM in NFL

NFL agents like doing work with Chris Ballard.

When Chris Ballard took over as the general manager of the Indianapolis Colts, it was clear a change in culture and mindset was coming to the Circle City.

Now entering his fourth season in that role, Ballard has proven time and time again that he doesn’t sugarcoat how he’s feeling or where the team is heading.

When it comes to being forthright and dealing with the agents that represent the players, Ballard was voted the most trustworthy, per The Athletic.

Chris Ballard, Colts general manager (6 votes)

  • “Find him to be completely forthcoming. Offers info. Extends himself when not needed.”
  • “He’s just a straight shooter. He’s not gonna lie to you about your guys and say they’re better than they are worse than they are. You know what you’re getting and they always get back to you.”
  • “I don’t know how we can (trust front-office executives) as agents. Their job is to battle for their team. Our job is to battle for the players. I don’t think I could trust any of them. If forced to pick one, Chris Ballard with the Colts.”
  • “Beyond reproach.”

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Ballard leads this list. The same has been echoed by the media, who have praised Ballard for being forthright and honest but also being available.

Ballard has the Colts headed in a direction that could feature sustained success for years to come, especially if and when they find their future quarterback.

But it’s also important to note how he’s being perceived by the people he deals with on a year-round basis. And that perception has him in high regard.