Chiefs to celebrate cancer survivors on Monday night for Crucial Catch game vs. Saints

Kansas City #Chiefs to celebrate cancer survivors on Monday night for Crucial Catch game vs. New Orleans #Saints | @EdEastonJr

The Kansas City Chiefs’ Week 5 matchup against the New Orleans Saints will have more meaning beyond the scoreboard. As part of the NFL’s Crucial Catch campaign, the night is dedicated to cancer survivors and informing the public on early detection.

Crucial Catch: Intercept Cancer aims to move the country towards unprecedented early detection and risk reduction of screenable cancers. In partnership with the University of Kansas Cancer Center, the Chiefs hosted lunches for patients who had been affected by cancer and watched practice at the University of Kansas Health System Training Complex.

The Crucial Catch campaign allows the NFL to reach and impact a wider population affected by various forms of cancer. The Chiefs continued their efforts recently as Mike Pennel and Chris Jones visited the University of Kansas Cancer Center to meet with patient Jill Shahan and surgical oncologist Jamie Wagner to discuss their journeys.

Crucial Catch calls on people across the country to access an NFL-funded digital tool that provides users with recommendations on how they can take action to keep healthy and reduce cancer risk. Fans are encouraged to print out unique cards to share who they cheer for Monday night.

For more information, check out the website: