Charles Barkley is so done with the Lakers he won’t even say their name on ‘Inside the NBA’ anymore

Chuck is fed up with the Lakers and no one can blame him.

The Lakers are by far the most disappointing team in the NBA this season. They’re 27-35 and in 9th place in the West.

Not only is this not the championship contender so many people expected them to be, but they’re not even a playoff team right now. They’re barely in play-in territory and, with the way the Pelicans have played lately, they might be on their way out soon.

Yet it feels like they’re on national television laying an egg every other night, whether it’s on TNT or ESPN. Charles Barkley is tired of seeing it.

After their Thursday night game on TNT against the Clippers, Barkley wouldn’t even say the Lakers’ name on ‘Inside the NBA.’ He just kept calling them the team from Southern California. He said that’s how he’s carrying it for the rest of the season and I can’t blame him.

Chuck really went in on the Lakers.