Charles Barkley absolutely roasted the Clippers and their title chances on Inside the NBA

Charles Barkley absolutely shreds the Clippers’ title chances.

Charles Barkley has never been one to hold back his opinions on, well, anything. But especially basketball. He’s going to let you know what he feels — even if it might be dead wrong.

On Thursday night, he did exactly that with the Clippers.

Despite them being the 3rd seed in the West and playing well against the 2nd seeded Suns, Barkley said he just doesn’t buy them as a contender. Why? Because they’re the Clippers. And the Clippers have simply never been good enough to win a title. That’s just how it is.

That’s the gist of what Barkley said, but he also said it in much harsher terms.

“I’ve been poor, I’ve been rich, I’ve been fat, I’ve been skinny, I’ve been old, I’ve been in the Hall of Fame and one thing I can always tell you, the Clippers have always sucked”

SHEESH. That’s harsh. To be honest, he’s not wrong. The Clippers’ history has typically been pretty bad. They’ve never quite contended for titles beyond the Lob City teams and the team they have now.

But don’t count them out because of their history. They’re really good. And they’ve got one of the best players in the league in Kawhi Leonard.

No, they haven’t won a title yet. But this team has a pretty good chance of doing it.

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