Chargers’ Matt Feiler has not been told what guard spot he will play

Matt Feiler will be an upgrade on the interior part of the offensive line.

The Chargers signed Matt Feiler earlier this week as a part of the reconstruction of the offensive line.

Feiler came in having played both tackle and guard with the Steelers. With Los Angeles, he will play on the interior. But the thing that remains to be seen is whether or it will be on the left or right side.

With Pittsburgh, Feiler played left guard this past season after starting at right tackle in 2019.

At Friday’s media availability, Feiler said he’s open to playing both guards spots.

I believe that L.A. is better off playing Feiler at left guard.

One, he has experience playing there. Two, all signs are pointing to the Chargers drafting a left tackle and having a veteran like Feiler next to him could benefit him in the early going of his career.

Los Angeles would then have to find a right guard to replace the void left by Trai Turner, which I addressed how they can do so.