Butch Harmon holds his final golf school in the most perfect way

“Butch had no idea it was going to happen until he walked into his teaching bay.”

Butch Harmon worked his final golf school at his eponymous Butch Harmon School of Golf, and he went out in style Saturday.

Harmon, 81, son of Masters champion Claude Harmon and the famed instructor who coached Greg Norman and Tiger Woods to world No. 1, and countless other players such as Phil Mickelson to majors and Rickie Fowler to the heights of their careers, opened his golf school at Rio Secco GC in the Las Vegas suburb of Henderson, Nevada, in 1997.

This final sendoff was a surprise orchestrated by Harmon’s wife, Christy.

“Butch had no idea it was going to happen until he walked into his teaching bay and there were 30+ of his friends,” said Harmon’s youngest brother, Billy.

Butch Harmon, speaking at his final golf school in Las Vegas, drapes an arm around his best man, Seth Reeves. (Courtesy Billy Harmon)

Twenty-seven years ago, Sam Reeves, who was Butch’s best man when he married Christy in 2001, attended Butch’s first golf school in the Vegas desert with nine members of his family. It was only fitting Reeves and his family, which now numbers about 25 and spans four generations, sponsored a two-day affair that marked the last of Butch’s schools.

Billy Harmon, the director of instruction at Toscana Country Club in Indian Wells, Calif., and former caddie to Jay Haas, and his brother, Craig, the former longtime pro at Oak Hill in Rochester, New York, participated as well as many other instructors who had worked with Butch over the years and learned under his wing.

“Many of them worked with Butch over 20 years ago,” Billy said. “An incredible affair and very unique experience.”

Butch Harmon held his final golf school alongside two of his brothers, Billy and Craig, and many instructors who learned under his wing. (Courtesy Billy Harmon)

“The Harmon brothers have been the most fortunate family in the history of golf,” Billy added. “The conversations we shared the last couple of days of our experiences in the game of golf were both fascinating and humbling. Three ordinary dudes that have lived extraordinary lives because of the game of golf and the wonderful people we have met.”

All of that may be true, but so is the fact countless golfers have been fortunate to receive instruction from one of the most brilliant teachers the game has ever known. And what an incredible way to wrap a career for Butch, arguably the most successful golf coach of the modern era.

Golf instruction: Quick tips to combat golfing in cold weather

Taking time off of golf due to the winter season is every players worst nightmare.

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Taking time off of golf due to the winter season is every player’s worst nightmare.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains a few tips on how to combat the cold weather so you can keep your golf game sharp this winter.

Some of these tips may seem obvious, but as temperatures drop everyone could use a reminder. Showing up to the course prepared will make your round go much smoother and scores will be ready to drop.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

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Golf instruction: Things to know before playing a private club

It can be stressful showing up at a nice club and not knowing what to expect.

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The differences between private and public golf clubs are numerous. It’s typically more than just money that sets the two apart.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains different rules that are not commonly talked about when it comes to etiquette at private clubs.

It can be stressful showing up at a nice club and not knowing what to expect. Take these few tips and apply them the next time you show up to play to feel prepared and go low.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: Stop coming over-the-top for good

Everyone wants to be able to shallow the golf club in your transition to the downswing.

Everyone wants to be able to shallow the golf club in your transition to the downswing.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains how to shallow the club in your transition and how to stop coming over-the-top in your golf swing.

A few simple adjustments within taking the club back, the width between your shoulders and hands at the top and getting your hands high at the top of your swing will make all the difference.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: How to take 5 to 10 yards off a club

It’s not a great feeling when you’re in between clubs on the course.

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It’s not a great feeling when you’re in between clubs on the course.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains how to take off five to 10 yards from a traditional full-yardage swing when in between clubs.

A few simple adjustments with grip, stance and shoulder turn will allow for the ball to carry a shorter distance when successfully completed. These adjustments may also help lower the ball flight, and this shot can be used on windy days to help knock down the ball.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: How to fix a hook mid-round

An unexpected case of the hooks is a golfer’s worst nightmare.

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An unexpected case of the hooks is a golfer’s worst nightmare.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains how to troubleshoot a hook without ruining the round. Golfers should be able to identify ball position and grip to help navigate the diving right-to-left shot shape.

A hook is not an ideal shot shape and it can lead to many lost balls. It’s important to make slight changes to keep your score and mental game on track.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: How to fix a slice mid-round

Golfweek’s Averee Dovsek explains how to troubleshoot a slice without ruining the round.

Playing a round of golf when the unexpected slices set in sends most golfers into a panic.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains how to troubleshoot a slice without ruining the round. Golfers should be able to identify their aim and grip to help navigate the unforeseen shot pattern.

Many golfers let a few errant shots dictate the entirety of their round and shot pattern. It’s important to make slight changes to keep your score and mental game on track.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: Dialing in pitch shot yardages with backswing cues

Many professional golfers say that accuracy from 100 yards and in is the biggest reason amateurs can’t lower their scores.

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Many professional golfers say that accuracy from 100 yards and in is the biggest reason amateurs can’t lower their scores.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek breaks down the backswing into four separate positions. Each move and position will signify a carry yardage that golfers can think about when trying to pitch with more accuracy.

Great golfers such as Lydia Ko, Jordan Spieth and Steve Stricker have practiced this method.

Every golfer’s yardage will be different and this should be practiced on the range before taking it to the course.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: Practicing your downswing from home on a rainy day

Averee Dovsek demonstrates a drill that works on coiling into the backswing position and how you transfer to the next portion of the swing.

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As hurricanes and storms move across the country, there’s not a ton of outdoor golf practice going on.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates a downswing drill that can be completed at home. This drill is great for working on rotation or coiling into the backswing position and how you transfer to the next portion of the golf swing.

Many golfers get stuck at the top of their swing and don’t know how to transition into the downswing, but this easy swing thought can take your sequencing to the next level.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Double check this to minimize three-putts

The smallest mistakes can leave you with the most unpredictable outcomes.

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Putting seems easy in theory, but golfers know that the smallest mistakes can leave you with the most unpredictable outcomes.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains the importance of shaft lean at address when putting to determine where the face is pointed when the ball is hit.

Many golfers fail to pay attention to the direction that the putter lies at address. Some may only recognize manipulating the face, but the error stems from the shaft lean. This will help minimize errors in the direction of your putts.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.