Bruce Smith explains his mindset behind his hilariously awful ‘Family Feud’ answer

It makes a little more sense.

Pro Football Hall of Famer Bruce Smith lit the interwebs on fire when his answer in a celebrity edition of Family Feud led to host Steve Harvey dropping a “What the (expletive) did he just say?”

A reminder: the all-time great pass-rusher was in the final round of “Fast Money” and was asked “If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool?” When he said “hammer,” it was already an answer … and then his brain shut down. So he said, “Penis.”

While speaking to The Dan Patrick Show, he took the world inside his brain at that moment (around the 42-minute mark):

“There is something about a time clock and a buzzer that, it makes you become confused when you’re running out of time and you don’t have an answer. I gave the No. 1 answer originally and then when that buzzer went off a couple of times, I guess I kind of panicked.”

Completely understandable, but why THAT word?

“As we were filming the show, there were multiple questions where all they talked about was sex. … I was already hot-wired to potentially give taht answer. I just needed the time and the space.”

Here is the full clip, and it turns out that Smith made up for his mistake:

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