Bruce Pearl’s furious 3-word interview soundbite perfectly summed up Auburn’s awful night

Pearl was SO mad, and Auburn just couldn’t buy a whistle.

It was a rough night for Auburn’s men’s basketball team.

In a road rivalry matchup with No. 2 Alabama, the Tigers seemed to have everything going. At one point in the second half, they even held a 17-point lead. But that margin wouldn’t hold, and they’d lose 90-85 in overtime — much to the chagrin of head coach Bruce Pearl.

(But hey, at least a dog didn’t poop on their homecourt.)

Pearl’s agony (and fury) over the Tigers’ performance (and what might have been a favorable whistle for Alabama) was captured live during a late-game radio interview.

And if you think it doesn’t escalate after Pearl yells “SMASHED,” phew, I really, really urge you to listen until the end for another three-word outburst.

Oh wow, for “IT’S A JOKE” to be captured live is just perfect. Not necessarily for Pearl or Auburn, but it’s perfect nonetheless.

Put yourself in Pearl’s shoes. If your team blows a 17-point lead in a big conference game, shoots seven fewer free throws while committing nine more fouls, and loses in overtime … how would you feel? Not happy, I’d bet!

It’s just unfortunate for the coach that he was being interviewed in the middle of a collapse.