Bruce Pearl previews Auburn opening in Fort Myers Tip-Off Classic

Auburn will begin its 2020-21 season on Thanksgiving Day as the Tigers play Saint Joe’s in the Fort Myers Tip-Off Classic.

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Opening statement…

“Let me address Sharife Cooper for a second because I can’t really take any questions on it because I can’t provide any more information. His initial eligibility review is ongoing and we are hopeful to have a resolution as soon as possible. We are working with the NCAA to help resolve it. He did not make the trip [to Fort Myers]. That is his status right now.

“Normally, by now, we will have played a couple of games. By now, we would have had at least one exhibition game. If we wouldn’t have had two exhibition games, we would’ve had a practice game against another opponent in a private scrimmage. This would be, let’s just say, our third contest. That’s just not the case. When you’ve got a brand new team – and I don’t think Auburn has had a team that’s lost its entire starting five since 1950 – that just sort of tells you how unprecedented this is. This is truly going to be a new experience. If you look back my press conferences leading up to the seasons, and you would ask me the questions of what do I want to learn, the bottom line is that I want to get exposed and see what we have, see what our strengths are and see what our weaknesses are, evaluate them, make the adjustments that are necessary to improve and go from there. If we started playing those exhibition games a month or three weeks ago, then we would’ve had that opportunity. Everybody is in the same boat. It’s going to be really important that we’re in a position to where we can learn on the fly.

“Let me start off with Saint Joe’s. This is a team that returns about 75 percent of their scoring from a year ago. They remind me a little bit of where we were a year ago in the sense that Billy Lange was taking over – this is a dynamic young coach who’s got great experience in the NBA with the 76ers organization and a former Villanova assistant coach. Just an incredible pedigree. It’s been fun to study them a little bit based on what they did last year. The stuff they run is hard to guard. It’s well thought out. They shot the third-most 3s in all of college basketball last year. Why does that surprise you? Being sort of a Jay Wright disciple, don’t forget, Jay Wright’s national championship Villanova team made the most 3s in the history of college basketball at 464. And then a year later, our basketball team made 454 on the way to the Final Four. Obviously, stopping the 3-ball is important. Ryan Daly is a great player and is a really tough matchup. He’s a big, strong, physical senior guard that can score from the perimeter. He can get downhill. He can score through contact. He averaged 21 points per game, and he knows how to play. He knows how to get guys open. He understands that offense. He’s got great experience. Our young guards are going to have their hands full with him.

“Then, we have a quick turnaround, one of the quickest turnarounds you can almost have. We’ll be done with our game at about 5:30 central time on Thanksgiving Day, and then we will tip at 10 central against Gonzaga the next morning. It’s not ideal, but the opportunity to play such a great field in Saint Joe’s and Gonzaga, and get the exposure that you really want, it was worth it. We’re placing our kids in some competitive disadvantages. We kind of find ourselves right now as a team in a competitive disadvantage, and that’s ok. We look forward to the opportunity to work through it.

“Thanks to everybody for all the work and effort back in Auburn, with the NCAA and the people in the world of college basketball, the media, the organizers of this event. Those guys have worked really hard to get college basketball started in this very difficult, challenging time. We’re all listening to the news about not traveling for Thanksgiving and here we are having traveled to play college basketball. I’m happy for the kids. Our kids are excited about playing. We haven’t had a positive COVID test with our players since July 4th. Now, you can do all the right things and still get this terrible virus because of how contagious it is. But, just think of the sacrifices and the discipline that our players have shown by not putting themselves in to contact the virus. I think it also speaks to the students at Auburn and the people on our campus that have worked really diligently to keep each other safe. I’m excited for all the kids in college basketball right now being able to get started and do the thing that they love to do.”

On the rotation at point guard…

“We really set the table having had Jared Harper a couple years ago – we probably thought Jared would be back for his senior year, but then he wasn’t – but we had J’Von McCormick ready to go. We had a senior there. Of course, Samir Doughty also played the position last year. I don’t return anybody that played any point guard for us last year. The two guys that are going to get the majority of the position are going to be Justin Powell and Tyrell Jones. I would consider them both to be more combo guards. Back in the day, guards were guards. For me, things have changed a little. I’ve always sort of played a point guard and then some guys off the ball. We are blessed that the fact that both of these guys can play the position. Believe it or not, we’ve even worked Allen Flanigan at times at the position. We’ve rotated those three guys over the last several weeks. Those are going to be the guys that are going to be out there on the floor for us.”

On the team’s reaction to not playing in the postseason this year…

“It’s been a really difficult time. It was a difficult few weeks leading up to the announcement because it was something we had talked about. If there was any comfort, it was their reaction. I got more guys coming up and hugging me because I felt terrible for them. We kept some things in perspective and reminded ourselves – I asked the question beforehand of why did you come to Auburn, and I got a lot of answers about graduating, being an Auburn Man, getting better, maybe have a chance to play professionally, wanting to be part of the Auburn Family – all those things. I was then able to say right before I gave them the information that they’re still going to be able to accomplish almost all of those things. This year, we’re not going to be able to compete in the postseason. A couple years ago, after we won the regular season [SEC title], postseason was only a couple of games. Without minimizing it, because it is important and we all work and strive for it, I tried to keep their focus on what they’re trying to get accomplished and why they’re at Auburn as student-athletes. All I can tell you is, it was an amazing response from my players and their parents how we’re going to get through this together.”

On how long before the postseason announcement were players made aware of the decision…

“We made them aware as we were announcing it. We just felt like it was something the university wanted to get out in front of. I was telling the players as it was being announced. I had a zoom call set up with their parents for as soon as I finished up with my players. They probably had heard something about it, but they knew they had a call from me, so when they saw it, I’m sure they realized this is what the call was about. It all took place on Sunday afternoon.”

On who will start and the team’s health…

“Well, I’ve already told Saint Joe’s who our point guards are going to be. I’m probably going to get a call from Coach Malzahn saying, ‘BP, if I’ve got three quarterbacks, I’m not telling Alabama who’s playing.’ That’s where Gus is probably smarter than I am on that. I think our great strength this year is our depth. I would expect that we’re going to play 10 or 11 guys in both games. It’s a process of seeing what we have and getting an opportunity to let these guys get out there and play. A lot of our decisions, even in the recruiting process, were based on a foundation. We have held one scholarship. I felt like after recruiting five really good freshmen and I had seven players returning, we didn’t get into the transfer market very much because I felt like these guys had earned the opportunity to be able to play. Little did I know that virtually every transfer in the country would be appealing for eligibility and there wouldn’t be anybody sitting out. I felt like it was more about loyalty to my roster. They helped put themselves in position to be on the floor this year.”

On value of having tough schedule that includes Gonzaga and Baylor without a postseason…

“There’s great value. Even Saint Joe’s with the way they play. I would anticipate that they’re going to have a really good year in the Atlantic 10. The Atlantic 10 is as strong as ever, but I think Saint Joe’s is going to make some noise this year. There is great value in playing these teams. I think the message in taking the Gonzaga game and getting Baylor is that this is where we see our program. We are a top-25 program. We’ve got a long way to go to be a top-25 team this year. That’s where we see our program. We’re going to go anywhere and play anybody. We always have. I don’t believe in waiting until your roster is right and ready to go get that schedule. We’ve done it since I got here and we’ll continue to do so. There’s going to be an awful lot to learn.”