Broncos WR Courtland Sutton made an amazing catch, because he had no choice

If Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson can’t get the ball to receiver Courtland Sutton, Sutton will literally take matters into his own hands.

When your quarterback is the 2022 version of Russell Wilson, and you’re one of Wilson’s receivers, you’d better be prepared to expand your catch radius, keep your head on a swivel, and make all kinds of amazing catches, because you never really know where the ball is going to go.

Broncos receiver Courtland Sutton seems to understand this point. With 4:52 left in the first quarter of Denver’s game against the Tennessee Titans, Wilson tried a pass to Sutton that was deflected at the line. and thus became a worm-burner.

Sutton was undeterred, and made an amazing catch.

The answer is, because he had to. Wilson had already failed to connect with Sutton on two passes in the first quarter, so Sutton took matters into his own hands — quite literally.