Broncos fans shouldn’t forget Mike Munchak is coaching Garett Bolles

“The way Coach Munchak coaches, it’s perfect for Garrett,” Broncos guard Dalton Risner said.

Broncos left tackle Garett Bolles has struggled to live up to his first-round draft status, averaging nearly one penalty per game in his career. Bolles finished last season well, though, and Denver coach Vic Fangio is optimistic that Bolles could take a step forward this season.

That might sound like wishful thinking to some Broncos fans but it’s important to remember that Bolles is being coached by Mike Munchak, who earned a spot in the Pro Football Hall of Fame during his playing days.

“I think something that people need to remember is Mike Munchak,” guard Dalton Risner said on Aug. 6. “That’s a factor that we need to remember. That guy is a Hall of Famer and he has a Gold Jacket. He’s probably going to have two Gold Jackets before he’s done with football.

“I truly believe with the way Coach Munchak coaches, it’s perfect for Garrett. He’s going to call Garrett out when he needs to be called out, he’s going to uplift Garrett when he needs uplifting and he’s going to teach Garrett. He knows how to teach the game because he’s done it. In fact, he’s got a Gold Jacket from doing it.” 

Munchak, a former head coach, helped several offensive linemen overachieve during his time with the Steelers and now that he has had a full year working with Bolles, there’s reason for optimism this season.

“I think Garrett has worked extremely hard and Garrett has a great work ethic,” Risner said. “He continues to work hard. He’s got a passion for the game, and I’ve got a tremendous amount of respect for Garrett. I love that man, but I also think Mike Munchak helps him a ton.

“The more he gets time with Coach Munchak, the better player he’s going to be. You will probably see a whole new Garrett Bolles this year. A lot more of what you saw the last five games of the season.”

Bolles and Risner are expected to start next to each other on the left side of Denver’s offensive line this year.

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