Brian Flores on NFL lawsuit: ‘We need change’ (video)

Full Brian Flores interview from Wednesday morning can be found here:

Former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores did not mince words when explaining his decision to file a class action lawsuit against the NFL.

On Tuesday, Flores did so claiming that he and several other potential Black head coaches have been denied opportunities to advance in the NFL because of  the league’s racist hiring practices and flagrant violations of the Rooney Rule.

During an appearance on ESPN’s morning program “Get Up” on Wednesday morning, Flores said even after his decision went public, it didn’t really change anyone’s mind. According to him, many already knew there was a problem prior to this week.

“We didn’t need to file a lawsuit for the world to know there’s an issue,” Flores said.

Flores later added that the league’s owners and NFL itself must change its ways.

For this quick portion of Flores’ interview with ESPN, see the attached video clip below. At the bottom of this page, a video with showing his entire chat with the former world-wide leader can be found:

Full Flores interview: 

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