BREAKING: Nick Saban tests positive for COVID, experiencing mild symptoms

Alabama football head coach Nick Saban has tested positive for COVID, and unlike last time where it was a false positive, he is experienc…

Alabama head coach Nick Saban has tested positive for COVID-19, and is experiencing “very mild symptoms,” according to a press release by University of Alabama athletics medical staff Jeff Allen and Dr. Jimmy Robinson.

In October, Saban reportedly tested positive, putting his ability to coach against UGA in jeopardy. However, after numerous negative tests, it was ruled a false positive, allowing him to continue on with his everyday duties.

The most recent positive test will not be ruled a potential false positive, as he is experiencing symptoms.

Thre press release, which can be viewed below, makes it clear that his symptoms are very mild, but present. He will be following any and all guidelines and protocols.

This will likely eliminate any hopes of him being on the sidelines for the 2020 Iron Bowl, and potenitally the final regular season game against Arkansas.

Roll Tide Wire wishes Coach Saban a speedy recovery, and will keep you updated on any information tha becomes available.