Beverage of the week: Roar Organic is sublime, hangover-busting hydration

Packed with vitamins, coconut water and a little sugar, Roar Organic is a heavyweight when it comes to fighting hangovers.

Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope to any beverage that pairs well with sports. Yes, even cookie dough whiskey.

Roar Organic’s flavored waters were pitched to me as a soothing balm for Dry January; a meticulously crafted flavored water lineup capable of serving as a mocktail in a pinch. And that’s true.

But it glosses over the true beauty of Roar. These vitamin-packed bottled waters and flavor packets put in heavyweight work when it comes to fighting hangovers whether you’re drinking them the night of or the morning after.

As someone who was in college, sigh, 20 years ago, I’ve come to the shared, sad conclusion my body can no longer shrug off small amounts of poison consumed over the weekend like it used to. Hangovers clock in after three beers instead of six. Early mornings of making breakfast and watching Bluey feel roughly 10 times worse than they should.

Roar Organic was a massive help in this category. Spacing out a night of drinking with any amount of water will make a difference, but one bottle of Roar seemed to make the following day significantly more pleasant. It wasn’t a panacea, but it really, truly did seem to help.

Now let’s talk about how it tastes.