Baylor Bears: CFN College Football Preview 2021

College Football News Preview 2021: Previewing, predicting, and looking ahead to the Baylor season with what you need to know.

Baylor Bears College Football Preview 2021: What Will Happen, Season Prediction

There’s a whole regression-to-the-mean thing happening for several teams – some good ones, some bad – after dealing with the insanity of a global pandemic, and nowhere is that about to happen to a greater degree than Baylor.

The Bears overperformed in 2019 – coming within an overtime loss to Oklahoma in the Big 12 Championship of almost certainly going to the College Football Playoff – and then crashed in 2020 as the new coaching staff had almost no time to work in a rebuild year.

Think 2018. Baylor went 11-3 in 2019, 2-7 in 2020, and 7-6 in 2018 when the team beat the teams it was supposed to, came up with one nice win, and went on to win a bowl game to finish with a winning campaign.

Set The Baylor Bears Regular Season Win Total At … 6

The 2019 team had great chemistry and a little magic, and it also managed to crank up the wins against a slew of bad teams – seven of the 11 victories came against teams that finished with losing records – and managed to pull off four key victories by six points or fewer.

Last year? The 2-7 team lost three games by seven points or fewer and was in a good fight in a few of the other defeats. The other big key was the competition against a slate full of all Big 12 teams – just one of the losses came to a team that finished worse than 6-4.

There weren’t any layup non-conference games to fatten up on. That’s not a problem this time around with at Texas State, Texas Southern, and at Kansas to kick things off.

At least split the winnable home games against West Virginia and Texas Tech, hope to pull off a tough win in Waco over BYU, and come up with an upset here or that on the road – this team can do that.

Dave Aranda is about to show what he can do now that he’s had some time to put this together. Don’t expect miracles, but the rebound is coming.

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