Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox is off to a rough start

Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox is going through a few rough patches and deleting people’s saves, and the problem is an odd one

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Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox is going through a few rough patches and deleting people’s saves, and the problem is an odd one. Shortly after Larian surprised launched BG3 on Xbox at The Game Awards 2023 – an announcement Geoff Keighley cut short, like he did every other acceptance speech – people started encountering game crashes. 

That’s not entirely unusual. BG3’s PS5 launch was pretty rough as well, but several players started noticing their save files vanished when they rebooted the game. That’s definitely not usual. Larian posted a statement on Twitter acknowledging the situation and said Microsoft published an Xbox firmware update that should address the problem.

It didn’t. Microsoft support stepped in and said the Xbox team is working on a solution to the missing save files problem, and they have a temporary solution to, hopefully, hold you over until it’s permanently fixed.

“In order to avoid this issue players should save their game and then return to the Xbox dashboard and select ‘Quit Game’ or ‘Save to Quick Resume’ from the game menu (Home, Game, Select, and then choose ‘Save to Quick Resume’ or ‘Quit’) when they finish playing,” Xbox support said. “Users should not disconnect their console from the power. Users should select ‘shut down’ from the console menu and leave their Xbox connected to power.”

Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t on Game Pass, so if you’ve thought about diving in on Xbox, you might want to hold off buying it until Larian and Microsoft sort the problem out.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF