Atlanta Falcons social media scores with winning tweet about losing

Great tweet from the Falcons’ social media folks

The Atlanta Falcons have had their share of misery. And another page was added Sunday against the Detroit Lions.

Todd Gurley could do anything but score a touchdown on this running play late in the game. All the former Georgia star had to do was stay out of the end zone. “Don’t score” he was told in the huddle by Matt Ryan.

All Atlanta wanted was the first down. A first down, not a touchdown.

That was because Atlanta trailed 16-14 and simply needed a field goal to defeat Detroit. Run down the clock and get three points and escape with a 17-16 victory.

And then, the hole opened, Gurley ran through it and his momentum carried … him … toward … the … goal … line.

Gurley reached the goal line and it was an unfortunate touchdown for the Falcons, who went up

Of course, when something goes wrong, everything goes wrong for a one-win team. The Lions got the ball with 1:04 left trailing 22-16 after a 2-point conversion.

They went 75 yards in eight plays with Matthew Stafford finding T.J. Hockenson for a TD that tied the game with no time left. Matt Prater kicked the PAT.

The team that continues to live the nightmare of blowing a 28-3 lead to the New England Patriots in a Super Bowl has another page in its book of games it would love to erase.