Art Rooney II crushes hopes of Steelers fans wanting to replace Kenny Pickett

On the heels of teasing a potential QB trade, Steelers President Art Rooney II suggested fans curb their enthusiasm for any such occurrence.

On the heels of teasing a potential quarterback trade, Pittsburgh Steelers President Art Rooney II suggested fans curb their enthusiasm for any such occurrence.

As if his conversation with KDKA’s Bob Pompeani not even 24 hours earlier had created unwanted buzz, Rooney sat down with WTAE’s Andrew Stockey to clear the air.

“The question that was asked — would I consider anything like that as we sit here today,” Rooney told Stockey. “I said we don’t want to close the door on anything, but I’d still put it in the unlikely category. We like to look at any opportunity we think can make us better. That’s why I don’t close the door on anything. I don’t want to create a lot of speculation that we’re going out looking to make some big blockbuster trade at the quarterback spot. I put it in the unlikely category.”

While a blockbuster quarterback trade doesn’t appear to be in the cards for the Steelers anytime soon, moves will need to be made. If the team releases Mitch Trubisky, as is speculated, Kenny Pickett will be the only quarterback under contract.

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