Antonio Brown really wants you to believe he said this wild quote comparing himself to the Beatles and Jesus

Wait, Jesus played at Red Rocks?

While Antonio Brown might be one of the best receivers ever to play in the NFL, he does have a bit of an ego. And no one can deny the man is often a magnet for controversy.

Right now, Brown — a current free agent — sits in August without an NFL home. Judging by a wild post to his Twitter on Thursday, it seems not many teams are calling his phone. Or Brown is reflecting on a career that was. Or both. However, this was no typical reflection.

You see, to “share” the biggest regret of his pro career, Brown reposted a fake quote by @sportsmemery on Instagram and tried to pass it off as the real deal. The contents of said quote were positively bananas as the text has the football player comparing himself to one of the most popular bands of all time and … the face of the religion Christianity.

You read that right:

Every last sentence of this incredibly fake quote escalates. I almost don’t know what to fixate on. Is it the hot air balloon intro? Throwing rocks at a package delivery driver? What about when he compares himself as an entertainer to The Beatles (!) or “says” that Jesus Christ — who died in the early 30s of the first century — once performed at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado?

It’s all so, so wild. Even the “Sincerely, AB” sign-off gets me as if he thought no one would question the authenticity. Heck, maybe he doesn’t care about that. All around, truly one of the great tweets of our time.

And it begs the question: If a player retweets and endorses a fake quote, does that make it a real quote? Probably not, but AB is trying.