‘Animal Crossing’ villagers are putting players on blast for roach infestations

Keep your New Horizons house clean or get called out!

Ah, that distinctly awkward moment when company comes over unannounced and learns that you live in a pigpen. It’s the worst.  

Animal Crossing: New Horizons  players are learning this the hard way, as the 2.0 update makes villagers randomly visit your house whenever they feel like it. If you’ve not logged in for several months, cockroaches will take up residence in your humble abode. Should villagers notice your new disgust, skittering roomies, they’ll verbally thrash you. Rightfully so, you messy monster.

Thanks to the update, many fans are picking Animal Crossing: New Horizons  up again for the first time in a long while, which results in a lot of the aforementioned awkward encounters. They’re flooding all over social media even, IGN  reported Thursday

Now I love to highlight shameful gamer moments. Shamers, we’ll call them. And these neglectful Animal Crossing: New Horizons  fans are right up there with the worst of them. Check out some of the messiest reactions for yourself below. Make sure you clean up beforehand, though, lest you want to end up on this list too!

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.