Andrew Whitworth delivered one of the best speeches you’ll hear after winning Walter Payton Man of the Year

Andrew Whitworth delivered a powerful, moving speech after winning Walter Payton Man of the Year

Andrew Whitworth is more than just a great left tackle. He’s an incredible person who always puts others’ needs before his own.

For all the remarkable work he does to help the community, and not just in Los Angeles, Whitworth was awarded the greatest honor in the NFL. He was named the 2021 Walter Payton Man of the Year on Thursday night, accepting the award at the NFL Honors show.

After being a finalist and coming up short in each of the last three years, Whitworth was deservingly recognized as the recipient of the award this year. And after taking the stage to accept the award from Russell Wilson, he delivered one of the best speeches you’ll hear.

“I’m here to tell you we have more work to do,” Whitworth said. “Social media for bringing awareness to all our causes, but that’s not enough. We need more action. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, this is the truth: The people who come to see us play, who watch our game on TV, who buy our jerseys, who follow you on social media, they’re why our game exists. It’s why we have a field to play on. We are financially supported and provided the opportunity to play a kid’s game because of the support we receive from communities across this country and across the world.”

Whitworth also shared a story about Derrick Barnes running up to him after the Rams-Lions game, thanking Whitworth for spending time with him at the Boy’s and Girls Club years ago when Andrew was a young player with the Bengals. Barnes told Whitworth, “it meant the world to me.”

Watch his full speech below, which is powerful and moving – just like Whitworth himself.