Andrew Berry wants Browns to focus on next opponent, not playoffs

Berry believes in going one step at a time

It’s been a long time since the Cleveland Browns tasted the postseason. Some current Browns starters were barely in preschool back in 2002, the last time it happened.

Browns GM Andrew Berry is aware of the painful drought. And while he knows it’s important for fans to wet their playoff beaks, Berry won’t obsess over making the postseason in 2020. Instead, Berry wants his team to keep its focus on the next game, and next game only.

“I am not naive to the fact that really a playoff appearance for any franchise is special, because each season really is sacred and the chance to compete and ultimately get in the tournament,” Berry said in his Zoom session with the media on Wednesday. “That all being said, our focus is really on attacking our opponents one week at a time and taking care of the little things on a weekly basis, because if we are able to successfully accomplish that, the big things will take care of themselves.”

Berry is a believer that taking care of business in the short term leads to long-term success. That’s a new kind of vision in Cleveland. And the team’s 5-3 record in the first eight games of Berry’s regime shows it can work.