All 32 teams (including the Browns) ranked by their average Relative Athletic Score

Who are the most athletic teams in the NFL and where do the Browns rank?

The Cleveland Browns have built a reputation for building guardrails around the young prospects coming out of the NFL draft. Those guardrails have tended to revolve around the age and athleticism of prospects making the transition to the NFL level.

Take Michael Hall Jr. as a perfect example. He is the earliest drafted Browns player since the trade for quarterback Deshaun Watson, and Hall Jr. is one of the most athletic players at his position and is just 20 years old as he made the trip up I-71 North from Columbus to Cleveland. We have seen the Browns veer from these guardrails a bit, but that is mainly due to the lack of early assets they have had in the NFL draft.

However, following these guardrails early in the tenure of general manager Andrew Berry in the 2020 and 2021 NFL drafts, the Browns still have one of the younger rosters in the NFL. Where do they rank among the rest of the NFL in athleticism, however? For that, we turn to Kent Lee Platte and his creation of Relative Athletic Score that grades out a player’s athleticism on a scale of 0-to-10.

Here is where the Browns rank in average Relative Athletic Score among the rest of the league: