Alex Rodriguez carries four 4-irons (!) and that’s not even the craziest part of his golf bag

He has four 4-irons. Why … why does he need four 4-irons?

Alex Rodriguez is a hitting savant, a clearly smart man, an inquisitive and insightful television analyst, and also like one of the five strangest dudes alive.

It is for this very reason that I adore him. To be that rich, that famous, that athletically gifted, and that weird is a beautiful thing. And I got more evidence to how wonderful Rodriguez is this week when’s Jonathan Wall got a peek into his golf bag and saw things I can barely form the words to describe.

What Wall found is so out there, so absolutely bizarre, I can’t help but think that A-Rod is doing it as some sort of gimmick. It has to be that. There can’t be any other explanation.

Or maybe we’re just truly seeing a beautiful mind at work.

The bag in question:

A quick glance there will show you that he is carrying four 4-irons. Four! Another quick glance will show you that these four irons are different clubs, from different sets … except two, which appear to be both Armour brand.

Which begs the question: Wh…Why? Why carry two of the same club, then two different brands for the other two clubs, all 4-irons? Maybe I could see a logic where he just likes hitting 4-irons and the different clubs give him different distances, or something, but if that’s the case … why have two of the same, then? Is it in case he loses one? Then why not have backups for the others? WHY IS THIS EATING AT ME?

There’s more! Alex Rodriguez’s 8-iron is still wrapped in plastic. He appears to have used it, however. It appears to be a functional club that is part of his game. He just never took the plastic off. It’s not the shaft wrapped in plastic, either. It’s the club face. The club face is wrapped in plastic. 

His putter is shaped like a baseball bat. That’s actually not that weird. That’s sort of cool. Good on you, A-Rod.

A-Rod carries 16 clubs, with seven different makes and models represented. A-Rod’s net worth is somewhere in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and the man is playing what appears to be a bag of clubs he found at a garage sale, and not a particularly nice garage sale.

I must know more. I must know everything about this. Please read’s excellent breakdown of this. Then some investigative reporter go and find out the story behind this. I have to know.

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