After a week-long ban, UFC betting in the Canadian province Alberta is permitted again, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis announced Friday.
AGLC reversed course after retired fighter and current UFC coach James Krause’s license was suspended by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. On Dec. 2, AGLC had announced that wagers on UFC were no longer allowed to be offered or accepted due to potential risks of wagering integrity. That same day, UFC announced that Krause would not be able to participate in UFC events pending the outcome of an investigation.
The suspensions of Krause, his managers and fighters are the reason why AGLC lifted its ban on betting.
BREAKING: The province of Alberta has reinstated UFC wagering.
Below is a statement from the AGLC
— Aaron Bronsteter (@aaronbronsteter) December 9, 2022
AGLC’s ban had come the same week as a ban in Ontario on UFC betting.
That ban has not been lifted, though the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario reportedly said it’s encouraged by the recent developments.
I spoke to an AGCO rep about Alberta removing the ban on UFC betting. Ontario is planning to talk to the UFC and gaming industry soon to discuss the next steps but are encouraged with what the UFC has done. #UFC
Full statement:
— Cole Shelton (@ColeShelton91) December 9, 2022
Suspicious betting on a fight between Darrick Minner and Shayilan Nuerdanbieke on Nov. 5 triggered the investigation into Krause, who coaches Minner.
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