AEW Dynamite results: Sammy Guevara, MJF put one over on Jack Perry

Jack Perry learned the hard way that MJF was willing to aid Sammy Guevara to advance in the Four Pillars Tournament.

Tax mentions that Jack Perry is on a 10-match win streak, but Sammy Guevara matches him move for move in the opening minutes. They battle on the apron until Perry knocks Guevara down, but Sammy is up quickly with a knee strike. A Spanish Fly to the floor ushers in some picture-in-picture ads.

They battle back to the ring during the quiet time, where Perry connects on a comeback lariat as Darby Allin watches from a high vantage point. Perry wants a sunset flip powerbomb to the floor, then switches gears and powerbombs Sammy on the apron instead.

Perry leaps off the top rope and flows right into a Destroyer, which is pretty impressive, but Guevara kicks out.

Sammy spikes Jack on his head with a DDT, but his bid for a GTH is countered with a reverse hurricanrana. Guevara hits a poison rana but Perry lands a big right hand in response, and the ref begins his 10 count since both men are down.

They’re up to their knees now, slapping each other in the face. Same story on the feet, through Perry breaks the chain with the Snare Trap, and Sammy has to crawl to the ropes to break the hold.

Both men have thoughts of going up top, but Perry ends up getting blasted off the turnbuckle with a dropkick and flies down through the timekeeper’s table.

As the ref counts, Guevara grabs the ref so MJF can lay out Perry on the floor with his Dynamite Diamond Ring. The ref restarts his count, Perry is out cold, and MJF rushes in to hug Guevara as their plot succeeded. Allin can only shake his head while watching from the upper deck, knowing he’s probably going to face the same thing next week.

Click here for full AEW Dynamite results from Pittsburgh.