Adam Wainwright offered amazing insight during his mic’d-up bullpen session and MLB fans loved it

This was awesome to listen to.

Sunday night’s ESPN telecast of the St. Louis Cardinals’ matchup with the Atlanta Braves was delayed about an hour due to rough weather around Busch Stadium. But credit to ESPN: They turned the delay into some incredible television with the help of Adam Wainwright.

Once the tarp was finally cleared and the game was nearing first pitch, a mic’d-up Wainwright went to the bullpen give a live interview as he was going through his regular pregame routine. The challenge of a rain day impacting a pitcher’s routine came up in the conversation, and that was when Wainwright offered some great insight while continuing his warmup pitches.

Wainwright said:

“Routine is great, as long as it doesn’t become superstition. If you’re out there thinking you gotta do exactly the same thing every time to have success, that’s making you a weaker competitor. If they told me right now I had eight pitches to get loose, I could do that. Because you are what your brain tells you you are.”

When it comes to using mic’d-up players in broadcast, it doesn’t get much better than that. Wainwright’s commentary legitimately added value to the broadcast. MLB fans certainly appreciated the whole interview as well.