Adam Schefter doesn’t think Dan Snyder will be forced to sell the team

Though the report that came out Thursday afternoon was damning, some don’t think it will be detrimental enough to force Snyder into a sale.

Groundbreaking news hit the wire on Thursday afternoon when 15 female former employees in Washington accused various staff members of both verbal and sexual abuse that stemmed from 2019 all the way back to 2006.

While there were no direct accusations to team owner Dan Snyder himself — other than the report that he was routinely belittling to several staff members, contributing to an uneasy working environment — this report still does not bode well for him, as it is suggested in the piece that he was well aware of the activities and culture that were prevalent in the franchise, and he did nothing to change it.

Some fans are hopeful that this will be a big enough travesty for Snyder that it will force him into a sale of the team, but ESPN’s Adam Schefter doesn’t quite think that will happen.

“Dan Snyder is going to own the team and that’s not gonna change,” Schefter said on SportsCenter Thursday afternoon. “Obviously there is bad blood between those limited shareholders and Daniel Snyder. We all can see what’s going on here, how this is all shaking out.”

There is obviously precedent for the NFL at large to hand down a disciplinary sentence to Washington for this, but it is unclear if they can force Snyder to sell the team based on this report alone. That disciplinary action can take form in either a fine or a loss of draft picks going forward.

“It goes beyond that in this point in time,” Schefter said. “It goes to making fundamental changes that are required in our society, of things that are completely unacceptable that have gone on allegedly in their organization from these various individuals. This is up to the organization to clean this up.”

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