Aaron Rodgers says Hard Knocks was ‘forced down our throats’

Rodgers isn’t exactly sugarcoating his thoughts.

The New York Jets will be on HBO’s “Hard Knocks” this summer. It was no secret at all that the Jets were not a fan of being on the show, especially when they already produce their own team documentary, “One Jets Drive”.

Nonetheless, the Jets were chosen to appear on the show. One big reason is their new quarterback, Aaron Rodgers. But as is turns out, Rodgers is also one of the biggest opponents of being on the show.

“They forced it down our throats,” Rodgers said in a recent interview with Vern Glenn of KPIX in San Francisco.

Rodgers said he understands the appeal with the Jets this season and knows a lot of eyes will be on him, but that the only thing he likes about Hard Knocks is the “voice of God” as he call him, Hard Knocks narrator Liev Schreiber.

Like it or not, Rodgers and the Jets will be in the public eye quite a lot this summer.