Aaron Donald: There’s no player in the NFL like Jalen Ramsey

Aaron Donald called Jalen Ramsey a “special talent,” explaining why there’s no one like him in the NFL.

Jalen Ramsey was an excellent cornerback with the Jacksonville Jaguars, which is why the Rams were willing to trade two first-round picks for him in 2019. But in Los Angeles, he’s taken his game to another level.

He was an All-Pro last season and although it’s early, he seems destined to be one again this year if he continues to play the way he did in Week 1 against the Bears. Ramsey had nine tackles, one pass breakup and two tackles behind the line of scrimmage, regularly lining up in the box and as the slot defender.

Aaron Donald couldn’t help but notice Ramsey’s versatility when watching film from Sunday’s win, saying there’s no player in the NFL like him.

“It’s different. I was watching film and seeing him coming up in the box, hitting offensive linemen and holding the ends,” Donald said Thursday. “Ain’t no player like him in the National Football League. He can do it all. He’s a special talent. He loves the game. He plays with a lot of passion. He flies around and he’s a playmaker. So I’m just happy he’s on our team.”

Donald and Ramsey are both captains for the Rams and are among the leaders in the locker room. Ramsey is a bit more outspoken than Donald is, but both players help their teammates on and off the field to get better.

“He’s a great teammate, great guy,” Doanld said. “Like I said, he plays with a lot of passion. You could tell he cares about the game and cares about his performance, the way he does things and it shows. So that’s why he’s able to play at a high level like he does.”

Ramsey is in his third season with the Rams and though he’s only 26 years old, he’s someone younger players look to. After all, there’s no better cornerback to learn from than the four-time Pro Bowler.

Donald loves having him as a teammate, both for his ability and passion on the field.

“You could see him. I could see him. He helps the young guys a lot more,” Donald said. “He’s definitely a vocal guy and he speaks up a lot. He’s leading. He leads by example. He leads by what he says. Me, personally, I like playing with a guy that plays with passion like that, so I love playing with him.”