A look at the diversity within the Seahawks and Cardinals organizations

A look at the diversity within the Seattle Seahawks and Arizona Cardinals organizations, analyzing the coaches, general managers and players.

While there are many factors that could contribute to these statistics, the point that is crystal clear is both teams need to do better overall. For the Seahawks, they nailed having a POC QB at the helm since 2012, while the Cardinals had a little less than 30% of POC as a starting quarterback.

Both teams, however, seemed to have failed since 2013 to give a POC a chance at either a head coach or general manager position. While Arizona “won” the category of POC head coach, the Cardinals’ unwillingness to keep Steve Wilks on for longer than one season doesn’t sit well. It is noteworthy, though, that two of the Cardinals’ lead front office positions under Keim are Black men – director of player personnel Quentin Harris and pro scouting director Adrian Wilson.

People will make the argument for Carroll and his great track record winning games and a Super Bowl by saying don’t fix it if it isn’t broken. I am not disagreeing that Carroll is a highly skilled coach, my point is simply that it doesn’t seem like POC have had as many opportunities to be a head coach or general manager as white individuals. This isn’t an indictment, it is a piece to simply make you take a moment to think about it.

And while you are at it, take some time to think if you can name any women who have been given the opportunity to be general managers and head coaches in the NFL. I’ll wait in the comments.

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