A look at the diversity within the Seahawks and Cardinals organizations

A look at the diversity within the Seattle Seahawks and Arizona Cardinals organizations, analyzing the coaches, general managers and players.

General Managers: Cardinals Win by Default

Both the Cardinals and the Seahawks have had the same general managers since 2013 and both are white. The Cardinals have Steve Keim, and the Seahawks have John Schneider.

However, the Cardinals had a Black general manager in Rod Graves for 10 seasons prior to Keim. The Seahawks don’t have any POC as GM during the same time, so the Cardinals pull away with a victory on diversity here.

Head Coaches: Cardinals Win by Default

The last category is head coaches. The NFL’s 2020 Diversity and Inclusion Report shows POC are still not being hired at the same rates as caucasians for head coach, offensive coordinator, and defensive coordinator positions.

The Cardinals win this round by default. While they do have 14.3% of their head coaches since 2013 being POC, it was only one person Steve Wilks who was fired after just one season and replaced with Kliff Kingsbury, who many didn’t believe was qualified for the position.

As many know, the head coach for the Seahawks has been Pete Carroll who has held that position since 2010.