A look at 4 Seattle Seahawks who could become cap casualties

The Seattle Seahawks are in the market for superstars, and acquiring any might require them to cut some players to clear cap space.

The Seattle Seahawks are in the market for superstars this offseason, and while they have more cap space than usual they are still going to have a hard time affording top-tier talent on the open market, unless they make some chances to their roster.

The signing of Greg Olsen and the re-signing of Jarran Reed sucked up a huge chunk of Seattle’s cap space, and any chance of re-signing Jadeveon Clowney or bringing in another quality free agent likely rests in the team’s ability to shed some salary.

Here are four players who could find themselves looking for a new job this offseason, starting with the most obvious candidate.

Tight End Ed Dickson

Cutting veteran tight end Ed Dickson would save the Seahawks $3.8 million dollars, and seems like a no-brainer following the team’s addition of Olsen and the reported return of both Jacob Hollister and Luke Willson.

With four tight ends already in the fold, and Dickson unable to play a single game last year thanks to injuries, it seems like a near certainty he will be released soon.

The soon-to-be 33-year-old may have a hard time finding another gig, although his experience and strength as a blocker should land him another opportunity before he has to call it a career.