A hilarious Father’s Day photo had NBA fans discussing LeBron’s hairline

Bald LeBron coming soon?

For the past decade or so, NBA fans have loved to discuss LeBron’s hairline. Because, of course.

LeBron’s hair started to noticeably thin shortly after he joined the Heat, but the hair had made a couple comebacks over the years — which was odd and only increased the focus on whatever was happening up there.

But let’s fast forward to 2020 where LeBron’s hairline is basically on its last legs.

To celebrate Father’s Day, LeBron’s wife, Savannah, shared a series of photos on Instagram of LeBron and their children. The final photo was a recent shot of their 5-year-old daughter, Zhuri, styling LeBron’s hair. First off, this photo is absolutely adorable (and hilarious).

I mean, that’s just the best LeBron photo ever. It’s great.

Yet, the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has had LeBron growing out the beard, and that mysterious hairline hasn’t received the pre-pandemic upkeep that we’ve grown accustomed to seeing. NBA fans were quick to take notice to LeBron’s quarantine hair.

It might be time to embrace the bald, LeBron.

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