A European Tour player won a ridiculous amount of whiskey for his hole-in-one at the Scottish Open

204 bottles of whiskey!!???

Often times during a professional golf tournament a player can win a car on a par 3 if they get a hole-in-one. It’s a fun reward that rarely pays off but still, it’s a cool thing to have on the table.

Well, the Scottish Open took things to a whole different level over the weekend as their reward for a hole-in-one on the par-3 16th hole was a bottle of whiskey for all 204 yards of the hole. That’s right – if you got a hole-in-one you’d receive 204 bottles of whiskey.

Look. Out.

And you know what happened? Wade Ormsby got a hole-in-one on Sunday and now owns a TON of whiskey:

204 bottles of whiskey!!


I wonder how this works, though – do they just roll out 204 bottles of whiskey to his courtesy car after the round are like “Here ya go!”

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