Cardinals’ Kyler Murray reveals what he and BIlls’ Josh Allen bonded over

Only Josh:

In typical Josh Allen fashion, he let his game do the talking.

Golf game.

The Buffalo Bills will host the Arizona Cardinals in Week 1. That means it’s a quarterback matchup between Allen and Kyler Murray.

During their respective press conferences prior to the game, Allen and Murray discussed their relationship.

Allen said the first time they really got to know each other was this past offseason during Christian Kirk’s wedding, who is a receiver on the Jacksonville Jaguars. Allen and Murray faced off on the field once during the “Hail Murray” finale years ago, but what Allen called a “late night conversation” brought it to the next level.

Murray complimented Allen’s play and referenced how the two have a similar style as dual-threat QBs. Murray also joked that Allen was about “eight inches taller” than him.

But golf is what Allen really brought to the convo, trying to convince Murray to hit the links.

“He talked to me a lot about golf,” Murray joked.

For more from Murray on his relationship with Allen, see the attached clip below:

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